We Fix Sinus Problems!
Atkins Expert Sinus Care is committed to providing personalized care for sinus and allergy problems. Our specialized treatment options including balloon sinuplasty and in-office CT scanning, help you breathe easier and feel better.
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Dr. Atkins has been doing balloon sinuplasty longer and published more research on the topic than any doctor in Texas.
What Our Office Offers

Dedicated to sinus patients only

Extensive experience with balloon sinuplasty

Dr. Atkins invents balloon sinuplasty technology

Dr. Atkins consults for major medical companies

We understand insurance

IV sedation for cases

Computer guided balloon sinuplasty
What Other Offices Offer

Only a portion of their patients have sinus problems

Little to no experience in balloon sinuplasty

No experience with balloon sinuplasty development

Very small percentage of doctors are consultants

Office understanding of insurance rules vary

Office cases done with nasal and sinus injections

Very few offices have this
Conditions We Treat

Chronic Rhinitis
Constant congestion and runny nose are the major symptoms of this problem.
What Patients Are Saying About Us
Procedures We Offer

Balloon Sinuplasty With Sedation
The least invasive way to cure chronic sinus infections.

Posterior Nasal Nerve Ablation
Simple and effective for relief of runny nose and congestion.

Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
When sinus problems are too severe for balloon sinuplasty alone.

Medical Management
Leading Medical Technology Companies We Partner With:

Our Team

James Atkins, MD

James M. Ferris, PA-C
Our Latest Blogs

Do your ears bother you when flying
These tips may help your ears and sinuses feel better when you fly.

Dust Off Dust Mites: 10 Proven Strategies
Dust mites can be pesky. These 10 tips can help you keep your house clean.

Is Inferior Turbinate Hypertrophy the Cause of Your Nasal Congestion?
Does your congestion alternate from side to side? Enlarged turbinates may be the answer.
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